miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

second and third Youtube video

see questions at https://sites.google.com/site/year10languageandliterature/classroom-news/week2-march12-16


1.- The East Africa groups developed the first language on Earth and a better language than the rest of the groups.
2.- They grew in number but some of the earlier languages disappeared.
3.- The first utterances made by humans were calls and sounds.


1.- Humans tried to build the biggest tower ever and reach heaventh, in this ambitious act God said "no" and as a way of stoping them he will make that all of the humans  will speak different languages.
2.- There are many languages in that small region. In those times people started to spread.
3.- Language is not biologically transmited. Though it make you belong to a comunity.
4.- Language constantly changes because new generations have different ways to comunicate.

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