domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Stereotypes and culture

     Culture this is a system of meaning of people and it includes language, laws, customs, myths, texts and daily practices (according to our CC). There are two types of culture, high culture that is that culture that makes us more complete persons like knowledge on arts, music, technology, mathematics... and low culture, that is the culture which is the one possessed by poor folk whose means do not allow them to access to a more refined knowledge of the world, it's more connected to mundane practices and streek-like habits.
      In the other hand we have Stereotypes, that are the generalization of a group of people or CULTURE. Is usually generated by media, criticism, ignorance, misunderstanding, education and differences... Stereotypes are complex and dangerous because usually people use stereotypes on everyone just because he comes from a place or looks alike  to a group and this creates conflicts, racism and bad notion of other cultures. 
       Some typical stereotypes in the world?
-All Russians are comunists.
-South Americans are indians
-Arabs are terrorists
-(for us) Peruvians are monkeys
-Blondies are dumb
-Africans have aids

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