viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Movie related to the text "Punk for a month"

This class the task is to find a movie with similar characteristics from the text "Punk for a month". I need to find a character that hide his/her feelings from society, and he/she doesn't shows who he/she really is.

                                                   "The Ugly Duckling and Me" movie trailer

This movie is the adapt to the kids story "The ugly duckling". About a swan egg that fells into a chicken nest. He was considered ugly and discriminated for being different, but they couldn't see who he really was ( a beautiful swan). Finally when he grows everyone see what was inside of him.

In this movie there's a rat that gets the egg and needs to save it from the claws of other rats. Once he borns everyone laughs (or is scared) of him because of his physical appearance. The climax, as in the tale, is given by the psychological troubles inside the duckling. Finally he becomes a swan, and of course his life changes forever.

Just like "Punk for a month", Julie is the duckling, discriminated for how she looks, when she actually is someone different inside. And once she changes and shows everyone what she is (looks alike) her life changes for better and forever.

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