domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Debate at class: ebooks vs. books

This week we had a debate in which the teams had to debate the position on being against ebooks and for paper books or the other way around.
My team was against normal books and personally i think we won! :)
In the 20th century new devices of technology had appeared, and even same technology has been developing in a fast way. Now days the newest technology is given by small devices with many functions, as Ipods, Iphones, Ipads, Kindles and others. The debate consisted in prooving if the ebooks were good enough to replace paper books, or why not.
In my debate the team that supported paper books gave arguments related with fealings attached to the books, fans and problems with technology, though we had tools to rebottle all wat they could say and proove they were wrong and even going away from the theme.
In my own opinion books will never dissapear, though people is going to start using more ebooks rather than the others as its (in time) cheaper, uses less space and u can carry all your books in just one device, or any device.

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