miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

A language without limits

The text is about the variations of english now days, refering to Chinglish, Arazibi, Hinglish among others.Talks about how english is changing and creating new "types" of english "That's a dierct consequence of international scope, the fact that English has travelled so far around the world and mixed with so many other cultures", making English have more than 700.000 words.

This varieties identify gruops of people, they are a bridge in between two worlds, two cultures, "some people feel threatened because the standar isn't adhered to cross the board... there are lots of purists out here". The english we speak today will be diffreent from the one we wll speak in the future, "it is disliked by some native English speakers", they are embarrased of this variations, "they think it is a sign of incompetence when it is really a sign of resiliency and creativity".

I believe English will keep changing, and other cultures and combinations of languages will appear, not just talking about English, the world is so connected now days that more variations will "born" and will get a place in communities of speakers attached to them, the world and the people is changing... and also language.

1 comentario:

  1. Joaquín, I think you have been doing a very good job with your blog so far, but you're missing some important information:
    1. Weekly summary on LANGUAGE AND GENDER (content + GENDER ADS activity)
    2. Weekly summary on LITERATURE: TEXTS AND CONTEXT (content + online investigation on Harper Lee's life and times)
    You must UPDATE your blog with this information ASAP. I'll be checking again next week!
