domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Language and community

Language and Community
Communities are created by people to produce knowledge, authority, and language. This Communities create different types of language by using slang and colloquialisms. When you are part of a community, you get used to speak in a certain way, but what happens if you belong to many different communities?
At class I started to think of how many communities I beling and without thinking much I listed:

  • chilean community
  • athletism
  • mackayan
  • my family
And I thought. Do I talk in different ways in every  community?
Well, in my own case I dont really change my way of speaking, sometimes more formal and less colloquial, though not much.

according to our course companion, the definition of community is:
"A group of people that share the same customs, interests, laws or traditions, and language" Course Companion

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