domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Spanglish, Indglish... OMG

People differ in the manner in which they speak (not slang or jargon) their native tongue, although usually not markedly within a small area. The differences among groups of speakers in the same speech community can be considerable. These variations of language constitute its dialects. All languages are constantly changing, people doesn't speak the same as 100 years ago, maybe even just 50 years.

The use of written language, had led to the development of standar language in most of the major speech communities, that is an official dialect of a language that is theoretically mantained unchanged.

Just in U.S.A. there are many communities of speakers, as we've seen in class, there are variations of  the original American English, and some of the most known are Spanglish (English influenced by Spanish) and Inglish (English influenced by Indian).

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