domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Anne Frank (related novel)

I had the chance (at a young age) to read this amazing book called The Diary of Anne Frank. The " life" or tales of a jewish young girl that lived the second world war. She was hiding with her fammily and another one in the "secret" rooms they had, though the diary does not have an ending and it's known that she was sent to a concentration camp and that she died there.
 I'm introducing the novel in "Fatelessness" because (of course) the context of production is the same on both. And they are very important pieces of literature, because they tell us how it really was with the eyes of people who lived it, and that's something that maybe in ten years there wont be any survivor of the Holocaust (as the interview to Imre Jertesz). And this books are the ones (not just Fateless and Anne Frank) to tell the future generations what happened, how much blood and innocent persons.

That's why I consider correct to include in the analysis of Fatelessness a brief contextualization of                                                                                         Anne Frank's story. 

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