martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Image Analysis

We'll be reading the nexts weeks Fatelessness, a book by Imre Kertész based on his own experiences lived in the IIWW Holocaust, so the activity in class was to analyse one of four pictures realted to the Holocaust. So that we get a clue of what and how the context was (and is in the book).

I. Observation
What do you see?
It's a white and black image. There's a pile of dead people and a man standing beside. In front of him there's a fence. The man is just standing still, lost in his thoughts, a look without hope, sad, with no will to live.

II. Inferences
Based on the observations make three inferences.
The standing man belongs (was familiar) to the dead pile (white and bold), analaysing his sight we may say he can't scape his faith whish is one more dead body in the pile, he's depressed, he desires freedom though the fence stops him.

III. Questions
1.- What questions does the image rise in your mind?
-How can a man accept death in his life, something that you know is going to happen very soon, like cancer?

2.- Describe the mood.
- Darkness consumes the background, this generates a feeling of desolation and hopelessness, as the man is alone with the dead pile.

3.- What information do you already know about the Holocaust?
Jews were killed during the Holocaust during the IIWW.

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