martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Task I "Pride and Prejudice"

In today's class we've been analysing a text from our Course Companion from the book written by Jane Austen. We haven't yet watched the film, though a short extract. Though first we watched some trailers for adaptations of the movie. Each one of them told in different ways, even with zombies, so our first activity was  to answer some questions about those.

I part.
1.- Why do you think "Pride and Prejudice" continues to be a referent for modern tales?
2.- What do you think is the effect that these different authors want to achieve in today's audiences?
3.-If you had to choose one of the previous versions to analyse, which would be the one and why?

1.- It has isseus that are related to now-days life as stereotypes, persue of love, the true love, etc.
2.-Capture the audience telling the same story in different ways, context. Conect it with XXI century.
3.- Bridget Jone's Diray, because it's the most related to our society so I don't have to make a similie with a story in a context that happened two hundred years ago, and is the same Pride and Prejudice but in this times

Now the Course Companion questions to an extract of the book.
Part II
1.- What degrees of emancipation and/or conservative reinforcement of 18th century family values does Elizabeth Bennett's marriage to Mr. Darcy support?
2.- What attitudes to marriage does Pride and Prejudice convey? What other options did Elizabeth Bennet have?
3.- How does this introduction affects your reading and approach to the novel?
4.- How could the social circumstances and contexts of P & P apply to different cultures and contexts today?

1.-She goes against what the society/ family wants for her that is getting married to Mr. Darcy,  she follows what society and family want that is marriage (reinforcement of women freedom)
2.- P & P conveys that women can chose if they want to marry or not and with who. So she had as many options as she wanted. Though society didn't had that ideals. Women are rational.
3.- It describes me how the context and topic is. The setting and theme, not if it's love or drama.
4.- In our culture (latin American, more specific Chile) the idea of marriage is not as radical as in the book. Women are ment to marry though it's not a sin not to, or the family is going to be ruined. Different from what happens in some oriental cultures such as Indians (about the Indians correct me if I'm wrong)

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